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M&S receives first-ever award from PETA for vegan retail

By Robyn Turk


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Marks and Spencer has been recognized for its vegan efforts. PETA awarded the British retailer with its first ever “Vegan-Friendly High Street Retailer” recognition.

M&S has broadened its product offerings across both fashion and food to allow vegan-friendly options for customers who follow the lifestyle. The retailer's Plant Kitchen range offers over 50 vegan food dishes and earlier this month, M&S introduced an affordable line of vegan footwear, with 350 different styles.

With its award, PETA not only acknowledges M&S's wide range of began products, but also its moves to make shopping for vegan items easy for consumers with an identifiable vegan logo.

“PETA is recognising this iconic high-street retailer for keeping step with the burgeoning demand for animal-friendly options and for helping to move Britain in a kinder and more sustainable direction,” PETA corporate projects director Yvonne Taylor told Retail Gazette.

Marks and Spencer